MMS Science Conference

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I register for the conference?

You can register for the conference either as an active participant or a listener using our registration form. Active participants get to present their work and have to submit their abstract by, date to be announced. There is no deadline for passive participants. However, we strongly recommend to register as early as possible.

Please keep in mind that you cannot make changes to your abstract after submission. However your presentation can definitely vary from your original abstract in case your findings change from abstract submission until the day of the presentation.

What do I get out of presenting?

There are many benefits to presenting. A presentation allows you to show your creative ability, and to discuss your ideas with other scholars. Ideas for new projects often emerge from questions you are asked, and opportunities for new collaboration are often found.

Other benefits:

  • the development of independence and self confidence
  • the opportunity to put classroom knowledge into practice
  • the identification of career interests
  • the building of mentor relationships between faculty and students
  • the stimulation that comes with critical thinking
  • the opportunity to participate in new discoveries
  • the ability to better understand research methodologies
  • the stimulation of creativity
  • the ability to communicate to a wide audience
  • recognition by one's peers
  • the sheer excitement created by intellectual activity
  • the enhanced ability grasp the philosophy of life-long learning

Does my abstract need to be in a special file format?

Please paste all the required information into the respective fields in the abstract submission form.

The body of the abstract should not exceed the 300 words limit excluding references.

Our team will create PDF files for further evaluation and the accepted abstracts will be printed in the abstract book.

You cannot make changes to your abstract after your abstract has been submitted.

Can I submit graphics within my abstract?

No, please refrain from including graphics in your abstracts.

Can two or more people apply as authors for one abstract?

An abstract can have multiple authors, but a single person should be designated as the presenter of the work.

Can I submit an abstract about a project which is not yet finished?

Yes, you can. Student research results at every level are welcome at the MMS ScienceCon.

Can I register for more than one presentation?

No. Please submit only one abstract.

I have never written an abstract before. How does it work?

An abstract is a miniature version of a scholarly paper, poster,or oral presentation. It is a one-paragraph summary of the main sections of the work. An abstract typically includes an introduction describing the research question, goal, or intent of the project; the methods, procedure, materials, or approach of the project; the results, findings, or product of the project; and a discussion describing the significance, implications, and conclusions of the project. The emphasis on these basic components will vary by discipline.

The audience for this abstract covers the broadest possible scope--from expert to lay person. You need to find a comfortable balance between writing an abstract that both shows your knowledge and yet is still comprehensible--with some effort--by lay members of the audience. Limit the amount of technical language you use and explain it where possible. Always use the full term before you refer to it by acronym [DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs), for example]. Remember that you are yourself an expert in the field that you are writing about--don't take for granted that the reader will share your insider knowledge.

Edit it closely to be sure it meets the Four C's of abstract writing:
• Complete — it covers the major parts of the project.
• Concise — it contains no excess wordiness or unnecessary information.
• Clear — it is readable, well organized, and not too jargon-laden.
• Cohesive — it flows smoothly between the parts.

It is recommended to submit your abstract to your advisor for review before application.

Unfortunately I cannot attend the conference. Can my co-author do the presentation?

Yes, if you cannot attend the conference, you may assign your rights to your co-author by informing the Program & Science team about it.

What is the official conference language?

The official conference language is English as our students are from all over the world. All abstracts and presentations should therefore be in English.